
Originally from London, I moved to West Sussex in 1979 and the Downlands and South Coast became my adopted home. I know I wasn’t born here, I’m a city girl, but this is where I belong. I feel at home walking the hills and woods. Certainly, this area of rolling farmland and forests looking out over the coastal plain holds my heart and provides the inspiration for my work.
I spent many years dabbling with words and in 2009, whilst working as an Insurance Broker, I began a BA (Hons) in English and Creative Writing at the University of Chichester. In 2012 I left my job to complete a Masters Degree in Creative Writing.
During my studies, I had the opportunity to write, with great enjoyment, across many forms: essays, memoir, poetry and both stage and radio drama yet I remain passionate about short stories. I like these intense glimpses into other worlds. Above all, I like the story that is told by not telling and the words that are not written. For me, the fascination is the suggestion of a story swirling beneath the surface, the one that is too painful to expose.
At present I am working on a novel, as well as my next collection of short stories.